Saturday, June 16, 2007

Day 11- Zion to Bishop, Ca.

Note to self #1- When the sign says "No gas next 150 miles", they mean it.

Note to self #2- 105 degrees is never a good temperature for a motorcycle ride.

Note to self #3- Stay away from Tonopha, Nv. They KNOW they've got you.

We knew today was going to be a long day, it wound up being about 460 miles and HOT! Whoda thunk it- The desert in June...

Anyhow, we headed out of Zion, North up to Cedar City, Utah then West across Nevada Hwy, 375, which skirts the northern border of the military base that doesn't exist, Area 51. Not too many interesting pictures today, as it was the desert most of the way. The highlights:

Lunch in Rachel, Nevada at the Little Ale'inn. We recommend the alien burger with cole slaw! Not sure what the "alien sauce" is, or which part of the alien it's made from, but it sure is tasty.

Not filling our gas tanks at every possble opportunity. Who ever heard of a 150 mile stretch of road with absolutely no gas stations on it in the good ol' U.S. of A?

We found it.

We became very familiar with it as we travelled the last 70 or so miles at about 45 M.P.H., all tucked in behind our windshields in a valiant effort to make what little gas we had last. hanks fuel light came on about 50 miles out. Not a good thing on a BMW. It usually means you have about 40 miles left. Mine came on about 40 miles out. Long story short, we made it by the skin of our teeth, rolling into Tonopha (and the most expensive gas I've ever seen, but was incredibly glad to see it) on fumes and a prayer. 105 degrees in Tonopha, and they have a Clown Motel. I'm not exactly sure what a Clown Motel is, but I sure wasn't going to stick around to find out. Most of you know how I feel about clowns.

We crossed into California, our 15th state on the trip, and have bedded down in Bishop, gateway to Death Valley and Yosemite, for the night. Tomorrow we head up to Yosemite, then down to Fresno/Clovis to visit Jim and Joy!
Thanks for reading.

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