Thursday, June 14, 2007

Day 9-Moab to Fredonia

We awoke to another perfect high desert southwest day! After sleeping very soundly due to yesterday's hike, we loaded up the bikes and had a pancake or two at the Moab Diner. Good stuff! We headed South out of town toward our first planned stop: Lunch in Mexican Hat, Utah at the Swingin' Steak (as seen in Feasting on Asphalt)



Open at six....

We didn't wait around, and got back on the road and the ever increasing heat. More on the heat later. We had miles to ride today. We planned about 400 or so. As we entered the northern part of Monument Valley, we saw a car go by in the opposite direction with a big weird thing on it's roof. It was followed by a guy on a bicycle and an RV. Pretty soon, same thing all over again. This time, I slowed to read the signs. It was the Race Across America! This insane bicycle race/exercise in sleep deprivation happens every Summer. This year, the competitors started in Oceanside, Ca. and will finish up in Atlantic City, N.J. We stopped to cheer 'em on and marvel at the athleticism. Insane folks! I thought what we were doing was tough until I started thinking about these guys and girls. Hardcore.
Monument Valley was breathtaking, and we didn't take nearly enough pictures as we pressed on toward our destination of the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Our route took us through Page, Az. where we searched for something to eat-even Subway was closed- and finally went to the Chinese buffet.
Note to self: Never, never eat Chinese buffet for lunch when doing a long motorcycle ride in 100+ degree temps.
It was hot. I don't know exactly how hot, I didn't want to know. The good news is that a cooling vest works as advertised in a dry, hot climate. It was a lifesaver. Hank had the neck wrap equivalent, so he was okay, too. We made it out to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon for late afternoon and headed out just before sunset. The drive into the park was quite different than the last time I was here, as a big fire has taken many of the mature trees in the Kaibab Natl. forest. Still very pretty, though. The scary part was all of the deer feeding in the meadows next to the road on the way out. We must have seen over 100, with at least 10 of 'em really close to the road, and bolting whe we got close. We didn't hit any, however, and decided to try to head up to Fredonia to find a motel for the night. We found a good'un, with a great restaurant next door, ate too much, cleaned the bikes, and now I'm sitting on the front porch of our room while Hank snoozes inside. Tomorrow we hope to arrive early at Zion Natl. Park and do some hiking.
Thanks for reading.


BSOTD said...

Fredonia eh? Give my regards to Rufus T Firefly.

//I'm A groucho Marxist.

Anonymous said...

Greetings Team Amos!

I am truly amazed you have had the energy to gather your thoughts at the end of the day and keep this blog updated. You guys have seemed to have filled every second with stuff to do on the road. (btw, nice snowman illusion)

So Randy, how are those public restrooms out West? Everything you had hoped for?

Keep on posting...Charlie

Also, let me know when the Team Amos soundtrack goes on sale - good stuff so far!

aimless said...

Dear Boys,

Love the videos, the pictures and the music--you'll have to burn one (a CD, you silly) of the music--its great!!! Youse guys are looking a little scruffy--I bet your wives forgot to pack your razors:) Take care and travel safe. PS--Diane, our trauma coordinator, highly approves of your safety gear and was especially impressed with the glow-in-the-dark stripes on your jackets and bikes.