Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Day 14- Clovis to Redondo Beach.

4,622.2 miles.

It is done.

Team Amos, Coast to Coast.

We got up at Jim & Joys, had a great breakfast, said goodbye to Jim, as she was heading off to the office, and then got to walk down to Nancy's house and do some gold panning. We did pretty well if I say so myself.
While we were panning, Joy's son and grandson rode up on their bike, so we got in a good visit with them. Nancy sent us off with a bag of dirt (that's a good thing!) a vial with our finds and our very own gold pans. We've caught the fever as well! Angie, I think there is a visit to Dahlonega in our future.
We said our goodbyes and headed out, South down the 99 to Bakersfield and I-5, which took us on a very hot ride into L.A. traffic. Around Bakersfield, a hand was waving out of a truck I was passing- It was Rick, Joy's son, who we had seen hours earlier, driving a delivery to points South! When we got to Los Angeles, I was too much of a chicken to try lane splitting, so Hank and I endured the traffic and rode down to Hermosa Beach for an end of the road photo.
we then headed to Casa del Amos del Sol, where Dara had an incredible feast of roast pork, grilled pineapple and really good salad waiting for us.
What a great trip- great people, places, and a better travelling companion I cannot imagine. I've had the time of my life on this one, and will remember it for years to come.
In a couple of days, I'll hop back on my bike and make the trek back to Florida, this time taking the more direct route along I-10. I'll probably post something about that, too, so check back here.
All credit for this blog needs to be directed to Angie- she set it up, laid it out, edits all our pictures into the videos you see, picks the music and generally makes me look good, when all I do is upload still pictures to her and type in a little bit of text. Thanks for continually making me look good, my darling!
thanks for reading.


Bardy said...

Wow! 4,622.2 miles - what a great trip. Way to go cousins! Thank you for sharing with us and thank you Angie for posting such terrific videos! :-)

Anonymous said...

Contrats on making it to the West Coast. On your trip back, make sure you stop in Odessa, Texas and grab my muffler. It'll be about two miles west on I-10 next to (or attached to) a decomposed armadillo..

See you on the 14th!


Anonymous said...

WOW...loved every photo,happy boys enjoying life and the music Angie chose to go along with the ride!Thanks for making the effort. -AJ